Gunita Eptura

Sea of Certainty
Take my hand, come with me
In the deep blue, you will see


Let's start fresh from humble beginnings
So we can understand the complicated innings

Gunita Eptura is a Miqo'te, born and raised in the Black Shroud, with a gifted talent for music. As she became old enough, she began to explore the world of Eorzea and became fond of the archery guild, however, the other guilds began to gain her interest as her curiosity grew. She eventually made her way to Ul'dah and fell in love with the architecture and the ruler of Thanalan herself, Nanamo, so she then decided to inspire herself to be a lot like her one day.Gunita made her way to the guilds and eventually made her way to Limsa Lominsa by sea, but little did she know that she was one who not only feared water, but became seasick as well. Alphinaud came along to help her on her way to her destination, as he was heading to the Archanist guild himself. She could feel her heart skip a beat as they did talk and she slowly began to grow smitten for him, but for some strange reason, she began to get headaches, only when she was around him. For the time, she suspected it was from the sea sickness or the salty air, so she ignored them.As she began to try her hand at the Fishing guild, she began to hum and sing, waiting for a bite. Her voice had not gone to deaf ears as a Lalafel overheard her. He introduced himself as King Pin, a man helping anyone with talent create a career out of it, so she agreed, deciding to stick with the Archery guild, knowing it shall eventually evolve her into a Bard.As time passed and she gained popularity from her shows, they eventually evolved into concerts and everyone knew and loved her. Alphinaud even became a fan and when she discovered this, he became her only VIP guest, as time allowed, and they sat in her favorite location, the Lavender Beds, getting to know one another. However, her headaches continued to grow and she was beginning to see visions of his past, let alone others as well. Despite the pain she felt, those visions were inspirations to her new songs, let alone Alphinaud himself, as she started to sing love songs, eventually releasing an album called "Love Stories to Carry in the Wind."One day, when Alphinaud and Gunita were sharing a moment, she was cornered by a few jealous fans who wanted to keep Gunita for themselves. She retaliated with her bow, shooting at them before they either fell or ran off. Surprised and wanting to help her with her headaches and the like, Alphinaud invited her to join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. With this offer, Gunita felt a massive headache, seeing only shadows on the peoples' faces. Taking this as a bad omen, she not only refused, but accused him of using her and being a part of a bad organization.With that, Gunita decided to quit after releasing one last song, calling out Alphinaud without using his name or insulting him. Afterwards, she fled to Dravania and made Tailfeather her new home, her partner Manfrey by her side. They're known to get into it with arguments, but they were usually started by Gunita. They were usually about not eating chocobo, not actually hunting chocobo, or a mention of "He-who-must-not-be-named."As time went on, she began to grow tired of the country life, wanting to do much more with her life. She traveled to Ishgard, not worrying about people finding her former popularity, and eventually made her way back to Eorzea. To keep her mind occupied, she has made the Hall of the Blue Mage, a guild of Blue Mages wanting to find a place to call home in their travels. Ever since, she has began to grow content with her life.However, sometimes, her mind still lingers on her former fame, her former fortune, and her former love, Alphinaud...

Personality and Information

An ocean of names I will not be
That is, unless, you don't wish to know me

Age: 21
Sexuality: Straight; prefers Elezen over other races, but anything is possible if you are determined enough.
Status: Single
Nicknames: "Gunny" (Pronounced as "goon-ii," given by Samuel Carmine)
Favorite colors: Red, pink, any pastel colors
Favorite foods: Beef, lamb, various fruits, sweets
English voice (singing) | Japanese voice (singing)Points of interest:- She continues to dress as she normally did when she was famous, except for her signature arm covers. On top of that, she glamours everything she wears as if she is going on stage, no matter what class she is.- At first glance, you wouldn't know that she is in her younger twenties. In fact, she doesn't always act like it. She clings onto her friends closely but despite her childish behavior, she always makes sure they are taken care of before taking care of her own needs and can usually make her own decisions.- When something is set in her mind, it's as if it's set in stone. There are a few exceptions, but nothing ever changes her mind otherwise.- She has a heavy fondness for chocobos. That being said, her first time trying chocobo meat was the most horrendous moment in her entire life and she had never ate it since. If anyone would ever attempt to feed it to her once more, she would maul them without question.- Post fame, she has had trouble expressing herself. If she has a crush on someone, she won't say or act on it directly. Usually the other needs to make the first move. However, she "speaks" her language of love in Quality Time.- She usually considers herself a music artist first and a warrior last. She can fight and carry herself in that regard, but she likes music more than anything. Despite being a former pop artist, one can usually find her playing her harp and singing. In fact, it's the easiest way to find her.- Her headaches with Alphinaud were caused by the Echo, as he had mentioned to her. She has since refused to use it and it continues to plague her with occasional headaches and lucid thoughts that last between a split second to a few seconds. She used to make songs about said visions, but have since ignored anything she has seen, let alone the headaches.


Those who distress over the way I dress
Cannot process that I wear the best

Gunita is almost always wearing pink. Her favorite outfit is her original pop star outfit: A pink sleeveless vest with pink and white ribbons, a pink and white dress, and pink and white shoes. The only thing missing is her arm covers, which she ditched in favor of fighting, if she has to.As mentioned before, there are other pop star outfits in her arsenal, and she usually uses them for whatever classes she intends to use them for, her Blue Mage outfit being her next favorite.(More shall be added soon!)

eRP Information

Baby, I'll say this politely:
Love me harder and don't be nice, please!
...Wait... I didn't write this! /////

Gunita is very shy about sexual encounters, however, it's not impossible. If her and your character have great compatibility, there will be a chance you can coax her into something. If you want anything to happen between the two, I would suggest sending a tell to me, asking for my Discord. I'm weary about in game encounters, however, there are exceptions.Any fetishes that she does have are listed here.Note that I don't do eRP with just anyone spontaneously. If you want to do something spontaneous, at least talk to me and get to know me.


That's it. No more lyrics or rhymes.

Thank you for visiting this Carrd!My name is Akai and if you have stopped by to check me out, I really appreciate you! I've been roleplaying for a long time and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. I always try to give the best experience I can as I do! If you would like longer responses and more fun, please add me at my Discord mentioned below!Hope to hear more from you soon!


Let's Begin!

Now that you have taken the time to know me well
Do you have any stories for me, pray tell?

Additional lore is now available through her diary! Click here to read it! (Be warned, she may go ham if you recite any of this to her!)If everything seems to tickle your fancy, here are some ways to get her attention (outside of sending a Tell of course. Feel free to use these prompts in your own words!:)- "Woah! Is that Gunita Eptura!? May I please have an autograph!?" (General)
Gunita is always open to autographs. All one has to do is ask!
- "You look much more different than I remember."
As of late, Gunita had cut her hair to look a bit different than her old look. You'd have to ask her to find out why.
- "I heard you were forming a group of Blue Mages."
This one will get you brownie points as Gunita LOVES talking about her group. Everything is still in the works, but the idea is still fresh in her mind!
- "Didn't I see you with Alphinaud a few times?"
This one will take away brownie points and instead will probably give you a bump on the head. It's best not to talk about him unless you're craving for some angst.
- "So... Triple Triad?"
All the brownie points. Low key, this is her favorite game. Feel free to play this with her! (Strip Triad however will need more convincing~)

Come Find Me!

- Ul'dah
Gunita is almost always in Ul'dah. Being the home of her role model, she loves seeing her in the flesh, and there's no better way to do that.
- The Lavender Beds
Unfortunately, her home is not there, but she loves to spend time in the area that boats to them. Nowadays, the area brings bad memories, but the lavender there calms her. It's... conflicting.
- Idyllshire/Old Sharlayan
We don't talk about why she's found here sometimes. Don't want "You-Know-Who" to find out she's been snooping.
- Wandering elsewhere
She loves to wander the world, looking for new opportunities. However, she hates being in the rain and snow, so if she's caught in it with no shelter, there will be problems.